Artevita is a Mastrantonio initiative founded with the hopes of giving back to the community and changing lives along the way.

Through cultural exchange programs and key partnerships with various non-profit organisations, Artevita has several focus areas including food provisions, fundraising, sponsorships and art foundation.

Some of our partnerships include:

Artist Proof Studio

Little Eden

Soul Provider

The Italian Consulate in Johannesburg

The Italian Embassies in South Africa
Artevita highlights over the years

With Artist Proof Studio, raised close to a million rand for the Benefit Auction.

St David’s Marist Inanda, participation in various events by means of sponsorship.

Artist Proof Studio, donation through the Artevita Foundation for student bursaries.

Artist Proof Studio, Mastrantonio host and sponsors art evenings to raise funds for Artist Proof Studio’s educational and skills development programme.

Chaine des Rotisseurs, participation in regional and national Jeunes Chef competition on an annual basis by means of sponsorship.

Artist Proof Studio, Mastrantonio was a sponsor for the 21 Year Retrospect exhibition at JAG.

Artist Proof Studio, provided sponsorship for the Charlotte Schaer Bursary Benefit Auction.

Youth, Democracy and Social Cohesion, Mastrantonio through continued support and facilitation by the Ambassador to Rome arranged for four artists to exhibit in Rome.

35a Rassegna dei Cuochi, Mastrantonio sent Mduduzi Ndlovu to participate in the 35th Annual Gathering of Chefs in Villa Santa Maria.

20 Years of Democracy Celebration, Mastrantonio sent Executive Chef Jade Sullaphen and Chef Vusi Ndlovu to Malta to participate in the youth day celebrations and prepared a sit-down dinner for 300 guests to experience South African food and wine.

Isola de Cinema, Paolo Scalla and Daniel Toledo of Mastrantonio were joined by Chef Arnold Stuurman to create a pop-up restaurant at Isola de Cinema on the Tiber River in Rome.

Continued support for Soul Provider through meal provision.

Continued support for Little Eden through meal provision.

International Internship Program with Scuola di Scienze Aziendali e Tecnologie Industriali Piero Baldesi in Italy.

Mastrantonio Learnership and Bursary Program.

Taste of Italy, Mastrantonio co-hosted a dinner with The Consul General of Italy (proceeds were donated to Casa Serena and Little Eden).

Continued support for U-Turn through meal provision.

An evening in Rome with William Kentridge, Artist Proof Studio, the Ambassador and Consul General of Italy.

Hosting of Italian Michelin Star Chef Lorenzo Cantoni during his visit to South Africa in collaboration with the Italian Consulate.

Donation of artworks to the Casa Serena old age home in collaboration with FNB.

With Artist Proof Studio, raised close to a million rand for the Benefit Auction.

St David’s Marist Inanda, participation in various events by means of sponsorship.

Artist Proof Studio, donation through the Artevita Foundation for student bursaries.

Artist Proof Studio, Mastrantonio host and sponsors art evenings to raise funds for Artist Proof Studio’s educational and skills development programme.

Chaine des Rotisseurs, participation in regional and national Jeunes Chef competition on an annual basis by means of sponsorship.

Artist Proof Studio, Mastrantonio was a sponsor for the 21 Year Retrospect exhibition at JAG.

Artist Proof Studio, provided sponsorship for the Charlotte Schaer Bursary Benefit Auction.

Youth, Democracy and Social Cohesion, Mastrantonio through continued support and facilitation by the Ambassador to Rome arranged for four artists to exhibit in Rome.

35a Rassegna dei Cuochi, Mastrantonio sent Mduduzi Ndlovu to participate in the 35th Annual Gathering of Chefs in Villa Santa Maria.

20 Years of Democracy Celebration, Mastrantonio sent Executive Chef Jade Sullaphen and Chef Vusi Ndlovu to Malta to participate in the youth day celebrations and prepared a sit-down dinner for 300 guests to experience South African food and wine.

Isola de Cinema, Paolo Scalla and Daniel Toledo of Mastrantonio were joined by Chef Arnold Stuurman to create a pop-up restaurant at Isola de Cinema on the Tiber River in Rome.

Continued support for Soul Provider through meal provision.

Continued support for Little Eden through meal provision.

International Internship Program with Scuola di Scienze Aziendali e Tecnologie Industriali Piero Baldesi in Italy.

Mastrantonio Learnership and Bursary Program.

Taste of Italy, Mastrantonio co-hosted a dinner with The Consul General of Italy (proceeds were donated to Casa Serena and Little Eden).

Continued support for U-Turn through meal provision.

An evening in Rome with William Kentridge, Artist Proof Studio, the Ambassador and Consul General of Italy.

Hosting of Italian Michelin Star Chef Lorenzo Cantoni during his visit to South Africa in collaboration with the Italian Consulate.

Donation of artworks to the Casa Serena old age home in collaboration with FNB.